Family Tree
I titled this image Family Tree right the moment i clicked this image. Anyone wants to take a guess why this name and what are the 3-4 interpretation i want to convey using these two word “family tree” ? The…
I titled this image Family Tree right the moment i clicked this image. Anyone wants to take a guess why this name and what are the 3-4 interpretation i want to convey using these two word “family tree” ? The…
Every time we venture out to travel to some place for vacation or for photography ( both of which sounds and feels same for me ) – we end up spending a lot of time on reading about which place…
if you are weak you will just fade away, so you gotta be standing strong and face the world …
Its been a while and its been a really long while since i last used my tele lens this year for some proper bird photography. It travelled along with me to Meghalaya but the birds there preferred to take vacation…
Day in and day out we see numerous technically & aesthetically perfect sea scape images on web. Learning what settings goes in the camera when you trip the shutter & what filters to use is which one can learn on…
Being someone from wildlife photography background, something which usually bothers me and my fellow photog friends is our wardrobe. Very unlikely that one can find any color other than any shades of Greens and Greys or Camo in our wardrobes. One thing…
So if you ask me at this moment ( we are talking about mid of July in the year 2014 ) Whats the best camera to buy for shooting movies ? My answer would be go ahead and pick up…
…. sometimes life is all about being at the right place, at the right time with the right people ….
Hi Everyone, Welcome to This place is more of my personal portfolio site and blog. You can see my work from all genres here and also get to read about a wide variety of topics about which i talk…