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Snow Leopard Documented

Happen to receive the mail from my friend this noon and got to read about the documentation of one of the most elusive cats of higher altitudes. More information in the link below. Dont forget to checkout the image…

.. we are ONE . . .

Life moves on and at a very fast pace. Just when we thought we are started to step ahead – we realised its already an year since the time we lauched “CreativeNaturePhotography” a Nature photography forum dedicated to whole and…

. . . and the Life goes on . . .

Its been a while since i had updated my blog. Busy schedules at work place, less frequent ( rather no ) outings and few other personal commitments had made me silent for a while. At last things have changed and…

Visions of Spotted Owlet

One aspect of photography which has got me completely fascinated and attracted is “Backlit Photography”. I would like to give the complete credit for this to Ganesh who has shown this path to endless possibilities. One of the mornings during…

Ladakh Panorama

Landscape-Wizards in association with WildLifeTimes presents Ladakh Panorma – a landscape photography expedition. For more details and registrations visit > Hurry limited seats and exciting offers if you book through LandscapeWizards.

WaterSculptures – Part I

This post is the first of the series what you will find on a very common but very less tried concept of photography called “Water Sculptures”. Its a method of capturing the water/liquid trails and the forms created by dripping…

Valparai – A Journey to start 2009

2009 has been a bit silent for JTN but it started its quota with a long weekend visit to Valparai in search of the Endangered Lion Tailed Macaque. The journey went across the the various tea estates of the town…