– Same But Different –

Macro photography with the help of torch light as light source.

The below are the images of the same flower that i happen to take during my recent Westernghats trip. A small change in angle of shoot and addition of external light source in the form of a Maglite torch made a lot of difference to the way the flower stands out. We were shooting this deep insde the woods where the ambient light was pretty low and the only source i could depend on was flash/torch light.

Am pretty impressed by the fact that a small change in angle of shooting and the light source can make a lot of difference to the way an image gets perceived.  Something which i intentionally tried out on lot of subjects during the trip  ( including tiny frogs 🙂 )

PurpleFlowerSideLit_MG_2195 PurpleFlowerFocus_MG_2180

A special thanks to Pramod for helping me with the lighting on this one.


  1. Beautiful images here. What a stark contrast even with a slight change in angle of light falling on the subject as well as plane of focus.

    Many times we compose our shots with predetermined, preprogrammed, banal and uninteresting compositions which often results in repetitive images. This is a great post that says how a slight modification in the way we shoot can create unique perspectives and get us some different, interesting, pleasing and original images. Something for me to ponder over for rest of my day.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for sharing this Shivu.. Had never given a thought about such perspectives while shooting. Something I need to explore henceforth..

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