In one of our e-books over at Landscape-Wizards we published recently we referred to Landscape Photography Composition Techniques. One of them in that list is the relative size. Having said that, today i came across this 10 quick landscape photography tips in Photoradar – which refers to Man and the Landscape.
I quickly dug into my archives and came across this image I made in Leh last year same time which depicts the relative size of the Gigantic Himalayas and where man and man made structures lies. Somehow on philosophical side of things it makes me think that how ever famous we are, how ever rich we are or how ever successful we are – in front of mother nature we are still minuscule.
On that note of things i leave you with this image. Click on the image for a larger version to appreciate what am referring to better.
Incredible light and the miniaturized human impressions conveys a tonne of message to the EGO of man.