Early last week, my friend Swathi messaged me to invite for her graduation day dance performance from an institute where she had been learning since close to an year now. Having not attended any specific dance programs in past and also having been busy with office work since couple of months now pushed me to attend the program and also i obliged to her by carrying my gear and shot some images during the program. I entered the hall with absolutely no expectation of what the program would be and what i would be shooting. But having stood there in the first row for more than an hour and witnessing the group perform to the best of their ability just blew my mind away. The troop were just powerhouse of energy and enthusiasm and commitment. Couple of the performance lasted for more than 10-15 mins and I could hardly see anyone show even a slight signs of exhaustion. Am really not sure if i have done enough justice to the images which the performers did to the show, but I got to admit this was one the finest live performances i have seen and have to whole heartedly congratulate the entire team of Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts who performed on the stage and the tutors behind these talents for their splendid effort. I have uploaded few handful images from the program which i shot from my perspective which you can view under the new images section or below.
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I saw these pictures on FB and you have done a fantastic job of bringing these dancers’ talent on to the images. They look fabulous; very good use of light as well. I loved this set.