Why do the done ? Part I ( Aero India 2011 Images )


It all started with these questions i asked myself why should i go to Aero India 2011 when i have already seen and shot enough images of the same planes in past two events ? and should i really go and shoot the same images of planes doing maneuvers in mid air with trails of smoke on their back which almost each and every single person single person having a camera will and is shooting at the event since the time of Aero India inception ? The answers were Yes and No respectively. Yes i was going to Aeroshow this time as well as i love the metal birds as equally or more than i love the living ones in the wild and No for the fact that, this time i wanted to get some frames which i have not got before and also i was also sure of trying out something atleast with the presentation which will make some diff compared to the usual photos.

This being the first part of the series i shall mix it up with something diff which i feel i got this time and also couple of high res Aero India 2011 desktop wallpapers. The triptych above called “Reach for the Sky” is one of my personal favorites from the show what i got. Through out the day i was searching if i could ever get something different to pick up in the frame so that it could make a difference in portraying the airshow. Post lunch i noticed the moon rise off the eastern horizon and as I had already seen few planes do some nice maneuvers around this portion of the sky, i planned to rest the handycam which was in my hand for first of the day and eagerly waited for the plans to show up in the frame which had the moon also as a reference. Probably somebody did actually listen to my request or whishlist you could call, almost 3 of next 5 planes went past in a path which i expected it to and “your sincerely” was really happy getting the above 3 frames as a memorabilia from Aero India 2011.

Below two are couple of other “typical” grabs for the airshow,  the presentation of both the images especially with regard to the processing are totally intentional and personal taste. If you landed here looking out for some colorful, sharp & closeup images of planes leaving smoke trails against dead-bland-blue sky, then probably your facebook timeline or flickr is a better place to get them than here, because what you will be seeing here for next one or two posts will be different from the usual 🙂

Aero India 2011 - Wallpaper

Aero India 2011 - Wallpaper

If you personally feel like downloading the above two images as wallpaper for your desktop or laptops, then feel free to click on this link to get both of them as a single download > [download id=”4202″]


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