Visions from WesternGhats – The Backlit Beauties


Everytime i used go out for photography i was only thinking of approaching and making good frontlit images ( as with the case with any photographer ). But after having spent some time with Ganesh during the weekend shoots and also on the recent Westernghats trip i started realising through his vision that its not always the front lit subjects which make good images but its the way you look and expose for the backlit/sidelit subjects, which can help you in making nice images. The type of mood and emotions that you can get to convey with such lighting is something which is not achieved through the normal front lit subjects. During my last trip i tried to give more emphasis to situation where in the angle of shot is intentionally changed to get this different perspective. This definitely does not hold good for all sort of subjects – and take a lot of practice and on-field visualization to get things right. Though i am not fully satisfied with the results i am pretty convinced by the results that i have got to encourage me to improve this over the coming days. Below are some of the starting steps of the journey which has just begun.

WaspLanding PlantBacklit ImperialPiegon
StorkScape Langurkid
Leafabstract Paintedstork_in_nature
Cormorant BablerBackLit


  1. Hey shiv,
    beautiful collection of images. Enjoyed looking at them
    Mahesh Devarajan

  2. Some nice collections there Shiv! Loved you wasp images. I thought you had even better images than the one posted here showing movement with better back-lighting. Not sure whether you are on a calibrated display now. On my *un-calibrated* laptop this appears a bit dark. May be ok on a calibrated display. It is more important to have monitor calibrated for backlit images.

    Love the lighting in your cormo image!

  3. enjoyed the imaages as well as the description of your journey. I think I am fortunate to have you as a friend on the photography front! Not only do you learn, but you are so willing to share your info.

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