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Currently my mindset is a bit too blank to say or communicate what am going through. On personal side of things I have been bed ridden for past couple of days due to viral fever and getting really sick of taking in so much of medicine and not able to go out anywhere. On the web side of things, my web server underwent 2 rounds of hacking over the past 2 weeks which also meant that i had to give away one of my CMS components for the benefit of my server and also security issues. Having said that currently my domain points to my blog and have managed to squeeze in the gallery link into it.  Will leave the setup like this for next few months as this change came in a bit too early for me to decide on what next for JTN V2.0 Thanks to my service provider www.lunarpages.com everything is safe and tech support guys out there are really very helpful in getting things not affect my image and blog databases.

Finally few exciting and new announcements coming up in  www.landscape-wizards.com so please stay tuned for them.

Hope everyone is enjoying the monsoon and please do take care of your health.

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