Journey Through Nature

Hi All,

My blogs had been silent for quite some time and so was the website which didn’t see any new images since October 2008. To many things to look into lead me to a busy schedule followed by a bit of issues with the web gallery service provider with whom I was hosting all my images before. I wanted to come up with something new in presentation and have a flexible platform to showcase all my images and also express my thoughts in the form of blogs and articles. I had lot of options to choose and eventually I ended up with a new home for all my photography work.

Journey Through Nature

JourneyThroughNature (JTN) will be the new shelter where you can get to see what I shoot and what i write. It was a tough decision in choosing the right domain name and after months of breaking head on various combination of alphabets and phrases I decided i would call my site with a name which describes what I do to get those images to the viewers.

Going forward will move on to become a more technical website with more emphasis on writings with respect to what I do for my living. That said, my wildlife and photography blog also had to move to a new place and that sits now inside the new site. I am yet to migrate the travel photo portfolio of my images – which should be done soon.

JTN is currently updated with my Bharatpur images from November 08 trip – the trip report for which is still due, I hope to take it up soon. Over the coming days you will see some new things and some different things with respect to my photography – which includes some audio visual presentations,  more images from Bharatpur ( yes Saurus Cranes to be particular ),  primates from the westernghats, and technical articles on photography. All these and more lined up for the coming days, so please stay tuned and do come back for more updates on JTN.

The journey is not complete without inputs from you guys, please let me know your feedback on what you need to see and what I can do better is most welcome.

Looking forward for your company in my new journey…

Shivakumar L Narayan


  1. nice pictures brother.. one request.. i need the original picture of the view from carver marsh statue.. i.e lone tree… i need that to post in my website… plz do reply… thanks…

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