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Wishing you very best of 2016

Today is a new and the first day day of a brand new year – 2016. This day presents to you a clean slate for you to wish what and how you want the next 365 days to be. Whats…

Diwali Greetings

Earlier in the day i received the below message as a forward for Deepavali wishes. I thought it was so apt and right – that i will share it with the fellow JTN readers. Six things we traditionally do during…

Inspirational quote from James Cameron

Earlier this evening I was listening to a TED talk by James Cameron from TED archives about Creative Curiosity and he ended up his ~17min talk with this inspirational quote that left me baffled searching for new ways to describe…

In Bangalore when it rains it HAILs

  Yes – sometimes in Bangalore when it rains it actually hails ! That was what happened even last night ( 24th April, ’15 ), round about 1800hrs strong winds took Bangalore by surprise and what followed next even bigger.…

Let her Live, Let her Learn, Let her Lead

  In a world where day in and day out we get to read and see news about molestations, rapes, murder and much more against the women community, lets take a step back and see where we are and where…

Neralu Photo Project

  If you love photographing trees, ?#?Neralu? Photo Project is for you. Another week to go to send in your submissions.