Firstly I want to take this opportunity on this very lovely day for all the love, support and encouragement all you folks have showed me over the last 12 months for bringing me up to where I am today. I admit i was bit hibernated from Travel & Wildlife photography but I was definitely occupied with photography and videos in different genres and exploring and “tasting water” there. It was a very good journey and something which i will definitely continue doing so in the coming year(s) too but may be with some changes. I will definitely be back to my roots of being a Travel and Nature photographer. 2013 was definitely a year for lot of learning, meeting lots of new people, rubbing shoulders with some of the stalwarts of the Electronic dance music community from across the world. Each and every one of you have made a significant impact on what i have achieved over this year. Hoping to receive similar or bigger support in the coming years. So once again, thank you all and hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday season and spending some quality time with family and friends. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays.
(Yes I do remember my customary best of the 2013 posts and it will be up soon)